Microsoft Word: Why Won't My Numbered Lists Restart Automatically?
MS Word: Heading 2 numbering not following/resetting after Heading 1
How to Restart Numbering in Numbered List Word
How to Turn On and Turn Off Automatic List Numbering in Microsoft Word
Numbered Headings and Subheadings | Microsoft Word Tutorial
Word Troubleshooting Numbered Headings
How to Number Paragraphs in Microsoft Word
How to Restart Footnote Numbers in Microsoft Word (PC & Mac)
Numbering Lines in Word | Continuous Line Numbering | Restart Each Page or Section
Fix Numbered List Line Indentation On Microsoft Word
Fix indentation settings for automatically-numbered paragraphs in Microsoft Word
RESTART NUMBERING of a NUMBERED LIST inside a Google Document
How to Reset Word to Default Settings | Reset All Styles inc Heading Styles | Reset Styles Gallery
How to Number Paragraphs in Word for Mac
Tutorial: Simple way of creating (numbering) headings and subheadings in Word
Restart Numbering
43 4 Restart a numbered list
Webinar: Saving custom paragraph numbering as List Styles
Word: Working with Numbered Lists and the Problem with Adding a Paragraph
How do I get 1.1 Numbering in Word | Create a multilevel list in Word.