How To Say 'Answer' (Réponse) in French
How to say "Answer" in French
How To Say 'Answer' (Répondre) in French
How to say 'answer' in French?
How do you say 'answer' in French?
Learn how to say How many? in French and how to answer using the expression "il y a" (there is/are)
How to say to raise the hand to answer in French
How to say 'answer in the negative' in French?
120 Common Questions in French (+ answers)
How to say 'answer in the affirmative' in French?
Say it in French I This is the right answer avi
Say it in French I That's the answer avi
In French to answer "do you have brothers/sisters" you say #BtchyFrench
Say it in French I That's the correct answer avi
Say it in French I This is my answer avi
Say it in French I This was my answer avi
Say it in French I It's not the correct answer avi
Say it in French I That's the wrong answer avi
Say it in French I This is the wrong answer avi