How to say “You’re beautiful / You’re pretty” in Cantonese 廣東話「你好靚」
"PRETTY GIRL" in Cantonese (靚女) - Flashcard
"(COLL.) PRETTY GIRL" in Cantonese (美眉) - Flashcard
EZ広東語! 「あなたはきれいです!」と言う方法中国語で?你好靚呀! nei5 hou2 leng3 aa3
"BEAUTIFUL WOMAN" in Cantonese (大美女) - Flashcard
"PRETTY WOMAN" in Cantonese (美女) - Flashcard
you're so beautiful in Cantonese #learncantonese #chineseteacher #educational #gud4kids
"HANDSOME MEN AND BEAUTIFUL WOMEN" in Cantonese (俊男美女) - Flashcard
#cantoneseishard How to say you are pretty in Cantonese? #CantonesePod
How To Say Girl In Cantonese 女仔
How do you say in Cantonese : Do you have pretty girl discount?
Make your Cantonese girlfriend love#cantonese #chinese #learncantonese #learnchinese #dating #skiny
Hong Kong Cantonese vs Guangzhou Cantonese
Trying to learn cantonese
Learn to flirt in Cantonese 'You are so pretty!' with Ming
"BEAUTIFUL WOMAN" in Cantonese (佳人) - Flashcard
広東語で常に言われたい褒め言葉トップ 10 を学びましょう