お悔やみ(おくやみ) "My Deepest Condolences" in Japanese
どうぞよいお年を Have a Happy New Year! #shorts #japanesephrases #japaneselesson
【GENKI L2】この (Kono) その (Sono) あの (Ano) - Don't say これはやまださんです (This is Yamada-san) #jlptn5grammar
中学2年生、えんそく登山で引率教師3人含む37人中11人死亡。学校が犯した過ちとは…「親友が目の前で心肺停止」1913年(大正2年) 木曽駒ヶ岳大量遭難事故【地形図とアニメで解説】
How Japanese Attend Funeral and their Etiquette / Things You Should Know | Life in Japan
When your pet dies #buddhism #shorts #meditation #dog #cat
Former Japanese PM Mourns Korean Independence Activists in Seoul, Urging Abe to Apologize
How to call “Dad and Mom” in Japanese | Basic Japanese phrases
Luffy is really idiot 😂😂😂 - Funny moments of One Piece episodes 827 & 828 [ Try To Not Laugh ]
Episode #157: Headlineが先!そこから"Can I give you more context?"で説明を!
How to Say To Express Sympathy in Chinese Word 慰问
「ご祝儀」って何?準備の仕方もご紹介!日本の結婚式でのお金のプレゼント [ネイティブの日本語・日英中仏字幕付き]
Best Funeral Speech
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Afghans in shock over killing of Japanese doctor
Papa Francisco lamenta a Morte de Shinzo Abe
NEW Boss of Japanese worker found dead in Afghan arrives in Pakistan en route to return body
Chinese posthumously honors woman who tried to stop knife attack on Japanese mother and son