Say it in French = I learned a few words from a book
Say it in French = I am looking for the book section
Say it in French = I’d like to book a room please
Say it in French = I’d like to book a ticket
Say it in French I Those books are his avi
Say it in French I Yesterday, I bought a book avi
Say it in French I Those books are yours avi
How to say, "I liked the book" in French. Phrase of the Day!
March 2025 Monthly Move to France Q&A with Allison Grant Lounes
Say it in French I These are the books avi
Say it in French I Those books are theirs avi
Say it in French I This book is ours avi
Say it in French I Those books are mine avi
How to say "Book" in French
Say it in French I This is my book avi
Say it in French I Those books are ours avi
Say it in French I Those are his books avi
Say it in French = I have a reservation
Say it in French I Those are their books avi