Emperor of Japan Receives Surprise “BANZAI” Salute
That kid at school broke something and tried to hide it 😂😂 Zhao Lusi Cuteness 😻 #shorts
Japanese Army Now Vs Then🇯🇵 #shorts #history #military #japan
The Yellow Emperor's Incredible Backstory - History of China
Bai lu VS Zhao lusi 😱🔥🔥Who is your favourite actress 😍🥰🥰 #shorts #chineseactress #chinesedramaeng
小女孩全家被害,被激怒現出藍色異瞳,皇帝這才發現她竟是自己失散的親生女兒!💕Chinese Television Dramas
Chinese Actors Before and After Plastic Surgeries 😮 , Incredible Changes, Chinese Drama
I am Jerusalem | Kingdom of Heaven
The way she tries to say sorry🤣🤣 #zhaolusi #datinginthekitchen #shorts
[bl manhwa] Greeting You Strangely | Love Triangle 😭
Forbidden love, the dying beauty's final obsession to see the female general!
【FULL】女人意外穿越到古代,成了不受宠的200斤胖王妃,看她如何利用现代智慧手撕渣男和绿茶,艳惊四座!《200斤王妃天天想和离》#chinesedrama #短剧 #逆袭 #爽剧 #打脸 #古装
She lost her baby and her husband didn't even comfort her🥺💔#Iendedupraisingthechildrenofmlandfl
[華語經典] 權臣對清官咄咄逼人,自認旗人高漢人一等,聰明皇帝聽到後僅用幾招就穩住了漢官的心!【康熙微服私訪記】
🔥Best manhwa to read #shorts #manhwa #recommended #best #webtoon
Finally, she gets her own power back 😊 #loveyouseventimes
【Movie】 皇帝扮成下人體驗民情,沒想到卻被一群紈綔子弟欺負了,這下有好戲看了【康熙微服私訪記】
皇室の選妃!少女はわざと魅力を隠しました!しかし皇帝は彼女を公然と王妃に指名しました!🥰 #中国ドラマ #AllenRen #任嘉倫 #景甜
Zhao Lusi acting is so good 💖 Crying rosy 😢