Let's learn gender of the nouns in Spanish - In just 3 minutes!!
Pronoun 'You' in Spanish (formal & informal forms)
Spanish Subject Pronouns - Pronombres Personales | in 5 minutes
How to Make Commands in Spanish | The Language Tutor *Lesson 54*
Personal Pronouns in Spanish
Spanish SUBJECT PRONOUNS + Formal vs Informal (Tú/Usted)
Telling someone what to do in Spanish, Affirmative Informal (tú) Commands, Learn Spanish
Formal Conjugation in Spanish
Forms of Address: Formal and Informal, Singular and Plural Unit 9 - 04 (English For Spanish)
Plural Informal Commands (Spain) ~ Presentation ~
Possessive adjectives in Spanish for beginners: how to say my, your, his, her, their explanation
Using the Spanish verb DECIR (say/tell): me dijiste, dime, dijo, te dije, me lo dijiste...
How to form Singular and Plurals in Spanish - Basic Grammar
Learn Spanish - Tú or Usted?
Learn Spanish - Talking about where you live
Formal commands (singular and plural) part 1.wmv
03 How to form Usted Commands in Spanish
How yo say "you" in Spanish