How to Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH for Troubleshooting a System Call Failure
Ubuntu: How to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH permanently?
How to set $LD_LIBRARY_PATH in Ubuntu? (2 Solutions!!)
ライブラリのシンボリック リンク (LD_LIBRARY_PATH) を作成する方法
Unix & Linux: Where is LD_LIBRARY_PATH? how do I set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH env variable?
Linux Privilege Escalation - LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Understanding LD_LIBRARY_PATH in Unix and Linux
Unix & Linux: Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH correctly (3 Solutions!!)
How to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable as a "local variable " belong to a specific program?
Setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH for CUDA (2 Solutions!!)
Ubuntu: Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH correctly (2 Solutions!!)
How to set $LD_LIBRARY_PATH for a Tomcat webapp after it is automatically unset? (3 Solutions!!)
Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH for applications started from the desktop (2 Solutions!!)
Ubuntu: What's the best way to add a directory to LD_LIBRARY_PATH?
C++ : How can I set environment variables PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Unix TeamCity build agent?
C++ : What is LD_LIBRARY_PATH and how to use it?
Is there a way to apply LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:. for every command automatically?
Why is My LD_LIBRARY_PATH Not Resolving in Ubuntu 13.10?
Django : How to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH individually for django web sites with Apache and mod_wsgi