Never tell a lie. | CLASS 14 | VOICE | ENGLISH | Doubtnut
Don't Tell a Lie ये तो Sentence ही गलत है । सही क्या है जानें । 🧐🧐
♧ Don't tell a lie. [Noun form of "lie"]
Class: Eight, Subject: English 2nd Paper (Lecture-03), Topic: Voice (Imperative Sentence)
10 : Active voice & Passive voice
Change of Voice | Active and Passive | Grammar | She is reading a book | Calligraphy Handwriting
Voice and Change of Voice | Active and Passive | I have done the work
I have told a lie.Change the voice | Voice in English grammar @englisfly
Active into Passive Rules
♧ Always tell the truth. [Voice Change]
Active voice (Imperative sentences) to Passive voice - English Grammar lesson
Speak 'the truth' & tell 'a lie' | An Advanced understanding of 'the truth' & 'a lie'|S. K. SIR|
Voice Change in English Grammar | Voice Change Active To Passive | Always and Never | Part-12
Passive voice of WHO & WHOM | Sentences beginning with Who & Whom | Active - Passive | Lecture : 5
It is your duty to respect your teachers change into passive voice
passive voice of do, does, did, active voice and passive voice, glorious sir,dhananjay singh dhanraj
Do not laugh at the poor. [ Change into Passive Voice ]
Voice change in English Grammar | Active to Passive Voice | The pen writes well | Honey tastes sweet
He told a lie intentionally. [ Change intentionally as Noun ]