「I think...」の使いすぎはやめましょう - 代わりにこう言ってください - 21 のより高度な代替フレーズ
5 ways to say "I THINK" !! | Avoid repeating yourself!! | British English | British Accent
Professional ways to say 'I think' | Add variety when giving your opinion (Quick English Fixes)
英語で「私は思う」と言うのはやめましょう |ネイティブのように聞こえるためのより良い方法を学びましょう
「I think」をネイティブっぽく言い換えると?|オンライン留学ならSSS
「I think」言い過ぎじゃない?|オンライン留学ならSSS
Stop Saying "I THINK"! In English #shorts
私が思っているとは言わないでください!高度な言い換えフレーズと表現! #ショートパンツ
How to THINK in English | No More Translating in Your Head!
The Simple Way to STOP Caring About What Others Think of You | David Goggins
Do we think differently in different languages? | BBC Ideas
7 Ways to Stop Caring About What Others Think
【英語表現】「I think」以外の表現3つ
The Simple Trick to Stop Caring What People Think
How to Stop Worrying About What Other People Think - Tapping with Brad Yates
終わる?終える?どっちでもイケるじゃん?I don't think such confusing topic will shows in #jlptn4 #jlptn3
How language shapes the way we think | Lera Boroditsky | TED
4 Simple Ways to Stop Caring What Others Think of You | The Mel Robbins Podcast