Impala Platinum defends its jobs cut decisions
Numsa workers down tools atImpala Platinum Mine in Rustenburg
About Implats
Impala Platinum Jobs
Impala platinum mineworkers to return to work
Mining consultant responds to job losses at Impala Platinum
Impending jobs crisis at Implats
Impala Platinum Mine workers face a bleak future
Amcu to address impending Impala job cuts
Reaction to #Implats planning to cut jobs
NUM Deputy President on looming job cuts at Implats
Impala Rustenburg’s stunning improvement saves 12 500 jobs
More than five thousand mine-workers at Impala Platinum's Rustenburg been evicted from Hostels
Impala Platinum mine workers 'forced' to go back to work
Impala Platinum employees to report for work tomorrow irrespective of the lockdown
'Catastrophic' R12 500 pay would force closure of Impala Rustenburg mine
Platinum miners to know when to return to work
Implats to retrench workers
COVID-19 | Impala Platinum Mine workers concerned about their health and safety
South Africa: Impala Platinum halts work at some S.African mines after 11 workers died | Oneindia