Impala Platinum Mine | Workers unhappy with suspensions following a stay-away
Impala Platinum describes wage demands as simply unaffordable
NUMSA requests CCMA to intervene in the ongoing wage dispute with Impala Platinum mine
Numsa workers down tools atImpala Platinum Mine in Rustenburg
Implats has sacked over seventeen thousand workers.
Trade union Amcu is gearing up for a strike at Impala Platinum.
NUMSA members at Impala platinum mine in Rustenburg down tools over a living wage, benefits
'Catastrophic' R12 500 pay would force closure of Impala Rustenburg mine
New salary offer for Lonmin mine workers
Uncertainty surrounds wage talks in the platinum mining sector
Impala Platinum Mine CEO charged with contravening lockdown act granted bail
Non-striking mineworkers intimidated in Rustenburg: Sello Tatai
Zuma has congratulated Amcu and CEO's of platinum companies
Anglo Platinum mineworkers reject 9% wage offer
Impala Platinum defends its jobs cut decisions
AMCU plans strike over salaries
Platinum producers and AMCU still in talks
The Platinum strike has officially ended
Mining bosses confirm the wage deal
Mining consultant responds to job losses at Impala Platinum