Golgotha - The Crucifixion Cross and Two Thieves Explained via Astro Theology (AR18-19)
The Sign at Calvary (John 19:16–30)
The Cross of Christ (Sermon Only) - John 19:17-30 - Pastor Jason Fritz - Who is Jesus?
Holy Bible John 19:17
The One We Gentiles Crucified (John 19:17-24)
Prophecies Fulfilled at Calvary (John 19:16–30)
"In the Garden a New Tomb" John 19:1-42
Andy Woods - John 19:17-24
John 19:17-30
John 19:23-42 - Skip Heitzig
Through the Bible | John 19:17-42 - Brett Meador
What the Cross Means to You (John 19)
These Things Are Written … John 19:17-24
"The Word That Changed the World" John 19:17-30
John 19:1-22 - Skip Heitzig
John 19:17-24 ~ The Glorious Paradox of the Cross ~ March 6th, 2016
The Meaning and Significance of John 19:30
It Is Finished | Part 1 (John 19:17-30)
John 19:17-42 - The Crucifixion
John 19:17-24 / Normal Customs, Life-Changing Truth