Person Of Interest Shaw meets Special Counsel (Season 2 Episode 16)
Person of Interest - Shaw avenges Root (05x13)
Person of Interest - Shaw cries for the first time (05x13)
Person of Interest - All Root/Shaw scenes - Part2
Shaw saves Fusco's Son
Person of Interest - John's sacrifice (05x13)
Shaw meets John (Person of interest)(2 x 16)
Person of Interest - Shaw saves the President (05x11)
Person of Interest - 3x21 Clip | Shop Scene (HD)
Person of Interest - Shaw shoots herself (05x04)
Person of Interest - 5x13 - Shaw Figures Out Jeffrey Killed Root
Person Of Interest | Root-Shaw first kiss and Shaw's sacrifice
Person of Interest (3x03): Shaw, Zoe, Joss and their guns
Shaw Meets Harold (Person of Interest)(2 x 16)
One Scene For Hope: Shaw on the subway [Person of Interest 4x11]
Root's death (S05E10 Person of Interest)
Person of Interest - Shaw is back home (05x04)
Person of Interest : Shaw's alone time with Bear
POI S4E11 If-Then-Else, p10 [Root x Shaw]
Person of Interest - We need you Shaw ! (05x11)