Ep.2- Balancing Benefits & Risks of IGF-1R Therapy With Drs. Raymond Douglas and Andrea Lora Kossler
Dr. Raymond Douglas - Optimizing TED Therapy: Minimally Invasive Options
Thyroid Eye Disease- causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology
Tepezza™ for Thyroid Eye Disease Active Phase
My Thoughts on Tepezza and Thyroid Eye Disease
Long-Term Data Testing Treatment in Patients With Thyroid Eye Disease
Teprotumomab for treatment of thyroid eye disease or Grave's orbitopathy (New Drug 2020)
AAO 2019: Update on TEPEZZA for treatment of TED
Illustrating the Progression of Thyroid Eye Disease
iIGFD Etiology
Dr. Douglas' Research in Thyroid Eye Disease
The longevity advantage of genetic deficiencies in growth hormone/IGF-1 signaling | Valter Longo
Insulin like growth factor I
Impaired TRH action in IGSF1-deficiency syndrome
Lecture: Thyroid Eye Disease: Past, Present, and Future
Thyroid Eye Disease Support Group - Understanding Thyroid Eye Disease Treatment (Part 6)
Experimental drug holds promise for the treatment of thyroid eye disease
RPB Lunch & Learn: Thyroid Eye Disease
Thyroid Eye Disease What Have We Learned Through Research
Thyroid Eye Disease