The threat of invasive species - Jennifer Klos
DNA detection tool allows researchers to identify invasive species in Canadian forests
What Are Invasive Species?
Invasive Species - Examples (CC Available)
20% of species in Canada at risk of extinction: Report
Battle with the Japanese Beetle: Vancouver fighting invasive species
Examining the Impacts of Invasive Species on Canadian Municipalities
Aquatic Invasive Species with Parks Canada
Invasive Species (30 seconds)
Canadian Council on Invasive Species: Enabling Canadians to take action on invasive species
Aquatic Invasive Species - Parks Canada with French Subtitles
Invasive plants spreading across Canada | Your Morning
Biodiversity needs invasive species control
AquaHacking Atlantic Canada 2022-23 | Aquatic Invasive species
The Invaders (Invasive Species)
Invaders! Invasive Species in BC
In Pursuit of Invasive Species: Ontario Forests
Tackling Invasive Species | NatureTalks Webinar | June 24 2021
Canadian Council on Invasive Species (CCIS): Enabling Canadians to take action on invasive species
Releasing Invasive Species on Purpose