Global National - Canada fighting invasive Snakehead fish
Invasive “vampire fish” on killing spree in Great Lakes
5 Problem Invasive Species In Canada
Giant, disruptive goldfish taking over Canada's waterways
How massive, feral goldfish are threatening the Great Lakes ecosystem
America's Most Hated Fish Are Being Purged By Electric Shocks and Sound
Invasive Fish in Lake Ontario
Goldfish invade Port Perry storm water pond by the thousands
Why Are Invasive Species Being Returned To Canada's Waterways?
Invasive Species: Something Fishy in Canada’s Lakes & Rivers Webinar
Flushed Goldfish Prompt Invasive Species Scare In Canada
High Profile Aquatic Invasive Species in Ontario
1,700 invasive goldfish culled from BC community pond
The threat of invasive species - Jennifer Klos
Invasive Species continue to cause concern in Alberta and beyond
Great Lakes, Great Invaders
5 Worst Invasive Fish Species
"Silent Invaders" Gobies 2013
Prussian Carp In Alberta, Canada: The truth about this invasive fish species.
Invasive turtle species taking over Canadian lakes and ponds, researchers say