Advanced English Vocabulary -- Abandon (verb) (noun)
ABANDONING - Meaning and Pronunciation
How to use the words Abandon, Abandonment, abandoned
abandon (noun)
Meaning of the word ABANDON | English | Verb | Noun | Example.
Word No- 1 || Abandon || Vocabulary Series
Abandon (Verb & Noun) & its Usages by Prof. Maharshi
What is the meaning of the word ABANDON?
#1 Vocabulary -abandon/abdicate/abstain/ abundant/abundance/ verb noun adjective synonyms/ antonyms
What Does ABANDON Means || Meanings And Definitions With Example in ENGLISH
What is the meaning of the word ABANDONMENT?
words and their meanings: All uses of Abandon in for of verb,noun and as a adjective
ABANDON - Meaning and Pronunciation
Vocabulary with me - Abandon
Practice Pronunciation - abandon (verb, noun) - Video # 7
Abandon Definition for Kids
Abandon (verb)
Master the English Verb 'Abandon' Usage in Sentences with Related Nouns & Adjectives in Hindi
The word "abandon" can also describe a lack of restraint or control when used as a noun. "With ab...