The last clock change in Alberta? | Jason Kenney
Daylight Saving Time: Is it time for Alberta to remove it?
Alberta's time change champion
Will Alberta scrap daylight saving time?
Overwhelming support in Alberta to adopt a year-round time
2021 Alberta Referendum Question - Daylight Saving Time
Will Alberta scrap Daylight Saving Time?
Time Travelling to Alberta’s Past and Future Under a Changing Climate
No to Daylight Savings in Alberta and Save Standard Time |
Daylight saving time in Alberta: Should it continue?
How has conservatism in Alberta changed over the years?
Alberta sees rise in population for first time in over a year
Weird NHL Holiday Marathon 🤪🏒🎅🏻 | Nearly 16 Hours of Weird NHL Bloopers! 🎁
Alberta plans a full-time return to classes this fall
Alberta PNP Express Entry Update 🇨🇦✅
The Future Ain’t What It Used to Be: Alberta’s Rapidly Changing Electricity System | Energy Talks
Alberta Premier plans big health care changes in 2024
Climate change is making heatwaves more likely in Alberta
–50 C in Alberta: What happens when extreme cold hits? | About That
15 Years of Emissions Reduction Alberta | Full Documentary