Is Duolingo Really a Good Way to Study Japanese? | A Japanese Man Reacts to Duolingo
Why I'm Quitting the Japanese Duolingo Course (An Honest Review)
Duolingos FATAL mistake (and why japanese learners are quitting duolingo)
日本語はみんなが思うより覚えやすい (日本語字幕)
Watch this before studying Japanese / 日本語を学び始める前に知っておきたい事
Duolingo is a Waste of Time
Your LANGUAGE INSIGHT: Is Duolingo harming your Japanese Proficiency?
Should You Use Duolingo To Learn Japanese?
Is Duolingo Max with Chat-GPT AI worth it?
Polyglot Answers Reddit Language Learning Questions
How I Would Learn Japanese (If I Could Start Over)
Fluent Japanese Speaker Reacts to 800 Days of Duolingo Why I'm Quitting the Japanese Duolingo Course
Learning Japanese is Extremely Difficult
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Native Korean Speedruns Duolingo Korean (but it gets heated)
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An unforgettable lesson 💥🍗 Redeem codes! #GenshinXDuolingo #clorinde
A Linguist explains how to make duolingo actually work