enigmatic - 15 adjectives similar to enigmatic (sentence examples)
#enigmatic #adjective #meaning #meanings #definition #definitions #phonetics #pronunciation #advance
English Vocabulary || Adjective Building: Mysterious
equivocal - 10 adjectives similar to equivocal (sentence examples)
esoteric - 11 adjectives similar to esoteric (sentence examples)
Enigma Definition
Advanced Adjectives for IELTS ( Most Commonly Used Advanced Adjectives)
Synonyms for adjective mysterious
Meaning Of Enigmatic | Synonyms, Antonyms | Examples | Adjective, Adverb | Urdu/Hindi
obscure - 4 adjectives which are synonym of obscure (sentence examples)
indecipherable - 4 adjectives which are synonym to indecipherable (sentence examples)
obscure - 16 adjectives which are synonyms of obscure (sentence examples)
inexplicable - 9 adjectives synonym of inexplicable (sentence examples)
[adj] Mysterious meaning (unknown, secretive) with 5 examples
occult - 11 adjectives which are synonyms to occult (sentence examples)
10 most important English adjective started with...E...#english
cryptic - 8 adjectives which are synonyms of cryptic (sentence examples)
insoluble - 4 adjectives which mean insoluble (sentence examples)
#mysterious #adjective #meaning #meanings #definition #definitions #phonetics #pronunciation #englis
inscrutable - 12 adjectives which are synonyms of inscrutable (sentence examples)