This is not a liquid or a gas
Liquid Metal that is Safe to Touch and Play with
The 4 elements liquid at Room Temperature
Touching mercury
Amazing - What Gallium does to an Aluminium Can
Gallium - a terminator metal
This Liquid Metal Turns Garbage Into Fuel
Heating Matter and Changes in State
How To Make Galinstan
Bromine is scary
Liquid oxygen is magnetic! 🧲
What DRY ICE Does in a Metal Foundry
But seriously, don't drop Sodium in gasoline
Gallium metal VS super strong magnet
Pouring mercury into liquid nitrogen
This is dangerous hydrogen gas and I'm gonna light it on fire
Sodium and potassium vs water
Freezing liquid nitrogen solid
What Happens If You Fall Into a Pool of Liquid Nitrogen? #Shorts
Why Mercury is Liquid at Room Temperature [Reasons Revealed]