Luminal A vs. Luminal B Breast Cancer: What You Need to Know About Treatment and Prognosis
Master regulators of luminal and basal subtypes of breast cancer - Archana Iyer - RECOMB/RSG 2014
The clinical impact of gene expression assays on early luminal breast cancer
Kathy S. Albain: Patients with luminal A and B / HER2 negative breast cancer
Luminal A vs. Luminal B Breast Cancer: Key Differences
Basics of Hereditary Breast Cancer
Advancing Our Understanding of Basal-Like, Luminal A, and Luminal B Breast Cancers
Is breast cancer hereditary? Penn State Cancer Institute – Penn State Health
Highlights on omitting radiotherapy after surgery for luminal A Breast Cancer: The LUMINA Trial
Charles Perou - Keynote Breast Cancer Genomics and Genetics
Value of Hereditary Breast Cancer Testing
Updates in Genetic Testing and Breast Cancer
Contribution of Germline Predisposition Gene Mutations to Clinical Subtypes of Breast Cancer
Understanding Breast Cancer
Gene expression profiling of breast cancer brain mets shows enrichment for non-luminal subtypes
Molecular Testing in Breast Cancer: Will it Become Standard Practice?
GRHL2 controlled gene expression networks in luminal breast cancer
Mutations and the Risk for Breast Cancer
Molecular Testing in Breast Cancer: Will it Become Standard Practice? - Kimberly Allison, MD
SuperPathway Analyses of Luminal and Basaloid Breast Cancers... - Christopher Benz