What is the difference between Mormonism and Christianity?
Why I say Mormon isn't Christian, though I wish it was.
The BIG Difference Between Mormonism and the Bible
What is Mormonism? What do Mormons believe?
Mormon Is Not Christian
Are Mormons Christians...OR NOT?
Is The Book Of Mormon The Same As The Bible?
What Exactly are Mormons Preparing for? Come Follow Me • Jan6-Jan12
The Mormon Jesus or the Biblical Jesus
Are Mormon and Christian Beliefs the Same? SeanMcDowell.org
A Brief Comparison of Mormonism and Christianity (with Allen Parr)
The Bible and Book of Mormon are in Harmony
Exposing the Mormon Church! True crazy facts about the Church of Latter Day Saints
Mormon Jesus vs Bible Jesus - Jeff Durbin
How do Mormons view Christians?
Why Mormons and Christians Can't Understand Each Other
Are Mormons Christians? What's the Difference Between Christianity and Mormonism?
Mormon marketing
Why I Left The Mormon Church
Mormon Religion in a nutshell - John MacArthur