A Trick for Adding and Subtracting Negative Numbers
What is an Integer in Math? Learn Negative Numbers - [6-1-1]
Real Numbers
Something Strange Happens When You Keep Squaring
Adding and subtracting negative numbers
Negative Numbers
I’m DONE with Minus Signs
why sqrt(36) is just positive 6
Rational and Irrational Numbers
What are the Types of Numbers? Real vs. Imaginary, Rational vs. Irrational
Can You INVENT a Number? Yes. #shorts
Rational Numbers Explained | Math with Mr. J
HATE NEGATIVES? Here's some help! | Adding and Subtracting Negative Numbers
Math concepts for the ACT® test | Imaginary Numbers
How To Find The Square Root of a Negative Number
Why is a square root of a negative number impossible to calculate?
How to calculate Negative Indices Fractions? #math #tutor #fraction #indices #power #exponents #x^-2
Rational, Irrational and Real Numbers
What are Real Numbers? | Don't Memorise
Types of Numbers: Real and Imaginary, Rational and Irrational, Natural and Whole Numbers