Source to Sink Expedition 354
3b. Carbon Sources and Sinks
Unlocking the Secrets of Source Rocks
Source-to-Sink (S2S) part 1
APES Video Notes 1.4 - Carbon Cycle
S2S22-09 The role of mid-latitude sedimentary systems in global carbon cycle (Craig Smeato, 3/16/22)
Exploring sediment transport dynamics from source to sink
Earth Materials: Clastic sediments
S2S21-21 Sediment Recycling in Source-to-Sink System (Brian Romans, 3/26/21)
Weathering of sedimentary rocks as a positive feedback on climate - Bob Hilton
Sedimentary rock
Detailing The Carbon Cycle
Source-to-Sink (S2S) part 7
What is a carbon sink? Natural and not-so-natural ways to cool our planet.
biochemical sedimentary rocks - formation and properties of biochemical sedimentary rocks
Interpreting Sedimentary Rocks
APES 1-4 Carbon Cycle
Sedimentary rock | Wikipedia audio article
Tutorial - Scalings for Weathering by Louis Derry
The long-term carbon cycle of the Andes-Amazon system - Josh West