Sleep Rebels: Unlocking the Secrets of Short Sleeper Syndrome
Study: Researchers identify gene in people who need less sleep
Scientist Explains How Some People Need Only 4 Hours of Sleep | WIRED
Why some people can thrive on less sleep – BBC REEL
Living with a rare sleep disorder
Short sleeper syndrome enables people to thrive with less sleep
Lessons from people who hardly need any sleep
Scientists struggle to ‘awaken’ patients from rare sleep disorders
The Secrets of short sleepers
This Rare Disorder Makes You Fall Asleep Randomly
Fatal Insomnia - A Terrifying, Little Understood Disease [English]
What are short sleepers?
A Rare Human Trait Could Soon Be a Drug
This Genetic Condition Makes You Need Less Sleep
What Happens to Your Body on Little Sleep?
The Superhuman Sleep Gene (DEC2) - Do You Have It?
Rare Sleeping Disorder | Fatal Familial Insomnia
8 Genetic Mutations That Many People Think Are Normal
Fatal Insomnia: A Rare Sleep Disorder and Treatment Explained