THE PENGUIN vs Hollywood's Anti-Hero Problem
How The Penguin Subverts Every Villain Trope Perfectly!
The Penguin Isn't About a Villain Protagonist.
What is an Anti-VILLAIN?
The Penguin - ANTI-HERO or MONSTER?!
The Penguin FINALLY Does Villains the Right Way | EFAP Highlight
The Penguin's Ending Just Set-up Batman's CRUELEST Villain Yet......
Mike and Chris's Analysis of the Penguin Anti Hero or Sociopath #podcast #thepenguin #thebatman
The Penguin Season 1 HBO Max Review | How to Write a Villain vs Anti Hero
Why The Penguin WORKS and Joker 2 SUCKS
The Penguin is better than The Batman
Is 'The Penguin' the Greatest Villain Origin Story? And Other Questions With Sheila Moeschen
Unfortunate, But Necessary
The Penguin is the BEST DC show | Review
Villain Theories for The Batman 2 after The Penguin
'The Penguin' Is Brutally Rejecting a Boring TV Trend
The Penguin Parallels with Littlefinger in a Gritty Anti Hero Tale
The Penguin Review - Villains are BACK on the Menu
We SOLVED Why Batman is MISSING During the Penguin (2024)