A Look At California's Universal Preschool Program
Universal Preschool will give 15 hours of free preschool starting in the 2023 school year
Child care providers are a casualty of California's transitional kindergarten
Universal transitional kindergarten could bring relief to parents, but threatens childcare providers
Limited funding means full time Universal Preschool not available to all families
Gavin Newsom Signs $123 Billion Education Package Including Free Universal Pre-K In California
What will universal TK mean for California kids?
SB 976 – A true universal preschool choice for families
More California students eligible for expanded transitional kindergarten
Christian preschool sues over provider requirements for Colorado's Universal Preschool program
Five new free Pre-K sites
Universal, Transitional Kindergarten For All California Children To Phased In Over 5 Years
Setting the Stage for Universal Preschool
Universal pre-K in focus amid spending showdown
CA’s Universal Transitional Kindergaten (UTK): Livestream with Steve Bennett and Dr. César Morales
Examining universal preschool funding
Dreams Realized - Addressing Disparities and Promoting Equity through Universal Preschool
Local preschool directors question Biden's free preschool plan
Universal Preschool Colorado: Preschool FREE to all 4-year-olds
How Biden's universal preschool plan may impact Colorado's own program