protest - 6 verbs synonym of protest (sentence examples)
hypocrisy - 5 nouns synonym of hypocrisy (sentence examples)
aver - 12 verbs which are synonym to aver (sentence examples)
lie - 14 nouns synonym of lie (sentence examples)
falsehood - 4 nouns which are synonym to falsehood (sentence examples)
declare - 16 verbs which are synonym of declare (sentence examples)
confession - 5 nouns which are synonym to confession (sentence examples)
presume - 17 verbs which are synonym to presume (sentence examples)
VEC Synonym and Antonyms
When is a Synonym Not a Synonym?
dissimulation - 4 nouns which are synonym of dissimulation (sentence examples)
The Right Synonym for the Right Context with Kory Stamper
adjudge - 10 verbs synonym to adjudge (sentence examples)
vow - 11 nouns synonym to vow (sentence examples)
Google is Confused: It Thinks Sparktoro is a Synonym for Rand Fishkin - Kalicube #DailyBrandSERP
BEST EXERCISE for each part of over 50 years old
fabrication - 13 nouns which are synonym to fabrication (sentence examples)
effective - 4 adjectives which are synonym to effective (sentence examples)
admission - 7 nouns synonym to admission (sentence examples)
pretext - 6 nouns synonym of pretext (sentence examples)