試練に直面する場合ではなく、いつ直面するか |ヤコブ 1:2–3 |デイリーブレッドのビデオディボーショナル
James 1:2-3
Book of James Summary: A Complete Animated Overview
Verse by Verse Teaching | James 1:21-2:9 | Gary Hamrick
Verse by Verse Teaching | James 1:9-20 | Gary Hamrick
困難な時代と知恵 - ヤコブ 1:1-8
ヤコブ 1 章 (パート 2) :5-15 • 知恵、二心、誘惑
ヤコブ: わたしたちの主の兄弟 (厳選聖句)
Three Tests of our Spiritual Health | James 1
人生の試練に立ち向かい、喜びを見つける方法 |ヤコブ 1:2-4
Classic Reactions To LeBron James' Incredible Shot
The Holy Bible - James Chapter 1 (KJV)
How the Lakers Beat Miami's 2-3 Zone
James in Silent Hill 2 OG vs REMAKE, the difference is INSANE [4K] | Silent Hill 2 Remake #shorts
Patient Endurance - James 1:2-4
Daily Lesson | James 1:2-4
Can You Beat Steph 1v1?
Surviving & Thriving In Life's Trials, Part 2 - James 1:3-4
Thomas Hearns Vs James Kinchen Rds 1 2 3