Full-width and half-width characters in Japanese ~Learn Japanese with Toby~ 全角と半角
HOW TO TYPE HANKAKUKANA半角カナ on your iPhone - This will help you to sign up for internet banking!
Apple: 「全角」文字を入力するにはどうすればよいですか? (解決策は3つ!!)
Apple: 日本語かなキーボードで半角数字を入力するにはどうすればよいですか?
How to convert from full-width to half-width Japanese characters in Java?
Typing Half-Width Numbers on Apple's Japanese Kana Keyboard
Unbelievable Trick - "Type Japanese on Your iPhone Instantly!"
Unix: How can I convert full-width characters to half-width characters (and vice versa)?
When using Japanese IME and pressing Ctrl + Caps Lock, how do you make it toggle to half-width...
全角半角 一瞬で切替 #エクセル
Unix & Linux: How to input half-width characters in Mozc (fcitx)?
Why are there separate fixed-width characters for 0-9 in Japanese, compared to the typical 0-9?
Why are there separate fixed-width characters for - in Japanese, compared to the typical 0-9?
Sample Fullwidth
Telephone Numbers in Japanese (でんわばんごう)
EXCEL PROPER, UPPER, LOWER, PHONETIC ASC, JIS, EXACT | エクセル 時短術 文字関連の関数 関数を使った大文字/小文字、全角/半角の切り替え