John Q (6/10) Movie CLIP - Sick. Help. (2002) HD
JOHN Q - see you later (court's verdict)
John Q (Edited)
John Q, Denzel Washington, Full Movie
JOHN Q - my son is gonna bury me (people's power)
John Q. Barrett (2015) on Nazi Germany's Corruptions of Law
John Q Barrett
The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly
John Q. Barrett (2007) on the History of War Crimes Tribunals (1st IHLD)
John Q clip
John Q. Barrett (2012) on the Supreme Court
John Q. Barrett & Irin Carmon (2023) on Robert Jackson, Robert Cushman, & Ruth Bader Ginsburg
John Q. Barrett (2004) on Robert H. Jackson coming to the law
John Q. Barrett (2001) on Robert H. Jackson
John Q. Barrett (2012) on WGTE
Professor John Q. Barrett at the Nuremberg Symposium - May 4, 2016
My Brother-In-Law After The Ending of John Q
John Q. Barrett (2009) introduction of Paul Clement
Law Offices of John Q. Gale
John Q. Barrett (2002) on Jackson law clerk James M. Marsh