Group seeks to end mail-in voting for Utah
Learn how to fill out and cast a mail-in ballot in Utah elections!
Early Voting Ending In Most Counties; Ballots Can Still Be Placed In Drop Boxes, Mailed
Southern Utah election officials advise mailing ballots before Monday deadline
Explore the Life-cycle of a Vote-by-mail Ballot in Salt Lake County [Nov. 29, 2024]
Ballots to be sent to Utah voters starting this week
Iron County residents forced to vote in person due to ballot mailing delays
Here's how to track your mail in ballot as it's processed 1
Ballot Watch: Colorado and Utah’s successful mail-in voting
How vote-by-mail works in Utah
How Utah keeps mail-in voting secure
Iron County to hold meeting to address ballot mail-out issues from recent election
Ranked choice voting, mail in ballots may lead to higher voter turnout in Utah cities
Mail-in ballots going out Tuesday
What happens after you send in your mail-in ballot? A look behind the scenes in Collin County
Wednesday Is Final Day To Request Vote-By-Mail Ballot
California woman’s completed mail-in ballot accidentally sent to Utah
‘Very Encouraging’: 407k Mail-In Ballots Already Processed In Utah
Gephardt: If You Die Or Move Before Election Day, Does Your Ballot Still Count?
Early In-Person Voting Underway In Utah