Can I Claim An Abandoned Vehicle?
Ask HPD: What is the law involving abandoned vehicles?
Legal process for Abandoned Vehicles, the right way
Abandoned Vehicle Act
How to Get an Abandoned Vehicle Title
abandoned vehicles bill signed into law
Federal law makes city's struggle to get abandoned cars off streets even harder
What's up with cars abandoned on the side of the road?
City removes abandoned car from local street two years after complaint
Getting Titles for Abandoned Vehicles
Abandoned car laws in massachusetts!
Abandoned Cars and How You Could Buy Them
Can you file for an abandoned vehicle title?
How to Buy Abandoned Cars
Correct procedure for abandoned vehicles | Codes and Regulations
Abandoned cars cover Hawaii by the thousands -- and could now cost you
The Abandoned Car Problem in Japan
How to File for an Abandoned Vehicle Title: step-by-step Guide
Oakland tries to make dent in abandoned car problem
New solutions for abandoned vehicles