Updated list of MPs who have been declared winners in respective constituencies
Some 27 constituencies risk being scrapped for not meeting population thresholds
List of 27 constituencies that may be scrapped after census
40 constituencies could be scrapped in delimitation
Kenya General Elections: This tool helps you know who’s vying for what position in your locality.
Azimio Vs Kenya Kwanza: Battle for Nairobi constituencies
Chebukati announces official results from Baringo Central, Ol Jorok, and Kangundo constituencies
List of MPs who have been declared winners in respective constituencies
Kenya's Choice 2022 | The MCA'S mandate (Part 2)
Nagaland Elections 2023: 13 Lakh Voters To Choose From 183 Candidates
Webinar: The outcome of Kenya's 2022 Presidential Elections
Voter Registration Starts In 3 Weeks
The County Government -Kenya
Mahat Somane presents data on whether postponement of elections resulted to voter suppression
Getting UHC on the ballot: influence elections in countries to keep health high on political agendas
Episode 2: BBI Kenya Series (Introduction)
EC to issue voter location slips from Sunday
A referendum to amend the constitution of Kenya could be held as soon as April 2021. (BBI)
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