What is Literary Criticism?
1. Introduction
8. Semiotics and Structuralism
Methodology: An Introduction to Literary Theory
17. The Frankfurt School of Critical Theory
7. Russian Formalism
6. The New Criticism and Other Western Formalisms
22. Post-Colonial Criticism
'Oliver Twist'_ An Analysis in 9 Literary Elements | Literature ... no Trouble
How To Survive A Literature Degree - Tips For English Majors
13. Jacques Lacan in Theory
The History of Literary Theory from Plato to the Romantics
How and Why We Read: Crash Course English Literature #1
Literary Theory and Criticism: Types and Uses
10 Types of Literary Criticism
How to Do Literary Analysis (It’s Easy!)
noc18- hs31-Lecture 01-Introduction:What is Literary Theory?
Literary Theory And Criticism - What Is The Difference? Chapter 2
Literary Analysis: A Beginner's Guide to Writing a Literary Analysis Essay
How To Teach Literary Analysis | My Lesson Plan