Ruffian vs. Foolish Pleasure - The Great Match (1975)
Foolish Pleasure - 1976 Suburban Handicap
Foolish pleasure
Foolish Pleasure - 1974 Hopeful Stakes (2nd Division)
Foolish Pleasure goes the distance!
1975 - Ruffian vs. Foolish Pleasure - The Great Match Race (CBS Sports) - Part IV
Remembering Ruffian Part 2: The Match Race
Horacio the handsnake - Foolish Pleasure
Foolish Pleasure Vehicle
Ruffian vs. Foolish Pleasure 1975
1975 - Ruffian vs. Foolish Pleasure - The Great Match Race (CBS Sports) - Part V
FTHM Foolish Pleasure
Ruffian VS Foolish Pleasure - How to Save a Life
Foolish Pleasure - 1975 Kentucky Derby
May 3, 1975 Kentucky Derby (Foolish Pleasure)
Worlds Fastest Lobster Boat Foolish Pleasure
2012 Jonesport Lobster Boat Races (FOOLISH PLEASURE)
The Krimis - Foolish Pleasure
Foolish Pleasure - "David"