The Storyteller by Mark Van Doren / A Poem on the Wonder and Power of Stories!
Mark Van Doren: Potrait of a Poet
"The Story-Teller" by Mark Van Doren
"Will You, Won't You?" by Mark Van Doren
"Looking for Something Lost" by Mark Van Doren
The God of Galaxies / He Loves Me / The Bird Desire
Horacio the handsnake - Mark Van Doren
Bill Mohr reads Mark Van Doren's poem, When the World Ends
Poetry E Train He's Coming Poem Mark Van Doren
When the World Ends / Epitaph / Farewell and Thanksgiving
Mark Van Doren's "In bitterness of heart I write"
'The Tuning-Fork', by Mark Van Doren
Mark Van Doren at Hollins College (October 21, 1958)
'The Crime' by Mark Van Doren
Mark Van Doren - Morning Worship
Mark Van Doren
Midwife Cat by Mark Van Doren
Editing Bruce Ario vs. Mark Van Doren