Observed and Projected Climate Change in Ireland - Dr Claire Scannell, Met Éireann
The Signpost Series — Met Eireann Webinar
The Signpost Series- Met Eireann Webinar
The vital role of weather observers in measuring climate change
Met Eireann and Ireland's Changing Climate
Ireland's Future Climate
Met Éireann reanalysis data as shown in my Delft-FEWS client
7 Flood forecasting in Ireland: the story so far - Rosemary Lawlor, Met Éireann
How our ocean affects our climate and weather
Gerry Murphy
Ireland's Weather and Climate: A Journey Through Time, presented by Evelyn Cusack (Met Eireann)
Customer: Met Eireann (French subtitles)
Purls of Wisdom Climate Crafting 1 - Introduction to data
Séamus Walsh - Inside Ireland's Changing Climate in a Warming World
Future Weather, Future Challenges - Mary Robinson
Weather Trends in Ireland Over 60 Years – Mary Curley, Met Éireann
Met Éireann Research Call 2024 Webinar
Climate Change Prediction
'How the Weather on our Inland Fisheries is Recorded' Evelyn Cusack, Met Éireann- GFW
Forarmed is Forewarned - Dame Julia Slingo