OLS minimizes the sum of the squared residuals
9.1) Minimize the Residual Sum of Squares (RSS)
Minimizing Sum of Squared Errors
Introduction to residuals and least squares regression
What is Least Squares?
Deriving the least squares estimators of the slope and intercept (simple linear regression)
OLS minimizes the sum of squared errors (or residuals)
The Main Ideas of Fitting a Line to Data (The Main Ideas of Least Squares and Linear Regression.)
Excel 2010: Sum of the Squared Residuals
Decomposition of Variability: Sum of Squares | Statistics Tutorial
Optimization: sum of squares | Applications of derivatives | AP Calculus AB | Khan Academy
using solver to do least squares minimisation
Econometrics: Minimizing Sum of Squared Residuals | Professor Zahid Asghar | Pakistan Economic Forum
Sum of the Squared Residuals - Hand and Statcrunch
#9 Exercises in regression: computing the residual sum of squares using matrices
Residual Sum of Square (RSS); Chapter 3: Book, C. Brooks
Algorithms for Minimizing Squared Errors
Linear Regression Using Least Squares Method - Line of Best Fit Equation
Introduction to REGRESSION! | SSE, SSR, SST | R-squared | Errors (ε vs. e)
Least Squares (Module 3 1 3)