What Is Minimum Wage For Waitresses In Florida? - CountyOffice.org
Report: Florida's minimum wage worker must work nearly 100 hours per week to afford housing
'That sounds about right': study says FL minimum wage workers need nearly 100 hours a week to afford
How a young waiter at Miami International Airport supports his family
Local businesses react to Florida’s minimum wage increase
Servers push back against tipped wage system
Many servers unhappy with minimum wage hike
2019 Begins Higher Minimum Wage in Florida
Florida's minimum wage increases to $10
Are you a waiter or bartender? Watch and learn how tipped employees should be paid.
New year, new minimum wage in Florida
Restaurant employees react to Maine's minimum wage change
Florida voters will decide if minimum wage increases to $15
What's Florida's Minimum Wage? Don't Ask Scott, Sink
Minimum wage increase wanted in Florida
What Is the Florida Minimum Wage?
South Florida restaurant owner Carlos Gazitua discusses opposing Amendment 2 on TWISF
Florida's Minimum Wage to Increase Twice in 2021
The Case for Local Minimum Wage
Minimum wage for tipped workers has been kept at $2.13 for 21 years