Obama Campaign Ad: Big Bird a Criminal Mastermind
Presidential ad: “It’s Morning Again in America” Ronald Reagan (R) v Walter Mondale (D) [1984—PRIDE]
Presidential ad: “Kennedy for Me” from John F. Kennedy (D) vs. Richard Milhous Nixon (R) [1960—HOPE]
Daisy Ad (LBJ 1964 Presidential campaign commercial)
"Daisy" Ad (1964): Preserved from 35mm in the Tony Schwartz Collection
Trump Super Bowl Ad
Presidential ad: "I like Ike" from Dwight D. Eisenhower (R) vs. Adlai Stevenson II (D) [1952—HOPE]
The top 5 campaign ads of the 2016 election cycle
60 Years of Presidential Attack Ads, in One Video
"The Choice" - Obama For America TV Ad
America | Bernie Sanders
The best and the worst midterm campaign videos
The Craziest Campaign Ads of the 2018 Midterms
Kanye West releases presidential campaign ad, invokes God, prayer, family
The Courage to Change | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Daniel Dale fact checks 'single most deceptive campaign ad' of the election cycle
Donald Trump releases the 'most powerful' election ad of his campaign
2024 Trump 'Another TikTok Performer' Ad
Every Political Ad Ever
9 Classic Election Ads – "Do You Approve These Messages?"