Legal Aid Queensland's child protection services overview
Child protection in Queensland
Amendments to the Child Protection Act 1999 (Qld)
An Introduction to the Child Protection Act 1999 (updated in December 2017)
Queensland Child Protection Commission of Inquiry
Australian Family Law Changes as of 6 May 2024
The interrelationship between family law and child protection
Child Abuse and Child Protection Podcast 2
Child Abuse and Child Protection Podcast 1
Human Rights Act in action: Impact of changes to the Child Protection Act
Child Safeguarding and the Law Forum
A Human Rights Act for Queensland: Needed or not?
Human Rights in Action: Defending the rights of children in watchhouses
CFCA Webinar – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander self-determination in child protection
Carer Kafe: Children's Voice in Child Protection Hearings
Reform of directors and officers' liability under Queensland legislation
Child safe practices for community legal centres
What are children's rights?
Associations Incorporation Regulation Amendment Consultation - Part 3/3
Fixing the faults in Queensland's child safety system