21 Years of UK Sport: The introduction of National Lottery funding
Faye McClelland and the UK Sport National Lottery funding factor
Lord Sebastian Coe on how National Lottery funding changed British sport
Club Cyclopark receives £10,000 of National Lottery funding from Sport England
#JustImagine life without National Lottery funding
National Lottery funded athletes - TV advert
David uses sport to give young people new opportunities #LotteryLegends
Paul Sinton-Hewitt CBE - Sport Game Changer - National Lottery 30
The National Lottery Community Fund: UK Fund (English version)
Baroness Sue Campbell - Sport Game Changer - National Lottery 30
UK Sport
Alice Dearing - Sport Game Changer - National Lottery 30
Steven Tigg - Sport Game Changer - National Lottery 30
British athletes say thanks to National Lottery players
The National Lottery - Sport Champions England & Wales
The One Show's Michelle Ackerley talks about how #NationalLottery funding helps so many projects...
National Lottery funded athletes - TV advert Extended Version
The National Lottery - Sport 4 Life
Damian Kennedy - Sport Game Changer - National Lottery 30
Dame Sarah Storey - Sport Game Changer - National Lottery 30