Effects of Antibiotics & Growth Hormones on Farm Animals with Ariane Daguin
The Effects of Anti-Biotics and Hormones on Cows with David Kirby
The debate over the use of antibiotics in our meat and poultry | 7.30
Are there hormones and antibiotics in our meat?
Cons of Hormones and Antibiotics in Cattle (pt.1)
Is It Safe To Eat Chicken Reared With Antibiotics?
Bovine Growth Hormone : Whistleblowers Shiv Chopra & Margaret Haydon - the fifth estate
The Rigged Research Behind Bovine Growth Hormone In Your Food - By Author Jeffrey Smith
Why Do We Use So Many Antibiotics On Healthy Animals To Grow Meat On American Factory Farms?
Can Dairy Affect Your Hormones? Dairy Products & Hormonal Imbalance – Dr.Berg
What is rBGH in Dairy Products?
Pros of Hormones and Antibiotics in Cattle (pt.2)
Does Broiler Chicken Affect Your Hormones
Do implanted hormones make it to the food supply? (6/03/17)
Poultry & The Hormone Myth (long version)
The PROBLEM with antibiotics in farmed animals...
Hormones, antibiotics, and vaccines OH MY!
Why Use Hormones In Beef?
Group 12: Growth Hormones in Livestock
Antibiotics in Meat May Be The Culprit of Your Health Issues