Higher minimum wage could bring negative effects
Goss: Minimum wage increase would have negative employment impact
The minimum wage: does it hurt workers?
What Will Happen If We Raise the Minimum Wage?
Arin Dube: The impact of a minimum wage
Report: no negative effects from minimum wage increase
Small business owners fear minimum wage increase would have negative impacts
Minimum wage increase could have negative effect on businesses
Two Minute Explainer: Does Increasing the Minimum Wage Increase Unemployment?
Dr. Benjamin Powell on Minimum Wage Negative Effects on Youth Employment
Employment Effect of Minimum Wage Increase
A $15 minimum wage would hurt those it's meant to help
Orley Ashenfelter on Card and Krueger's 1994 minimum wage study
Broad effects of new California law that raises minimum wage to $20 for some fast-food workers
How raising minimum wage could affect the economy | Money Talks
The Impact of Raising the Minimum Wage
Employment trends and effects of minimum wage - John Addison
Flurry of minimum wage hikes could bring unintended consequences, economists warn
Ripple effects of fast food minimum wage hike across California
What the US gets wrong about minimum wage