Choosing Between Floating and Node-Locked Licenses
What is a Floating License?
Software Product Licensing Models - All You Need To Know
Node-Locking Software Licenses using LicenseSpring
Zentitle Floating and Concurrent Licensing
Licensing Floating
"How to set Node Locked License"
Dassault Systemes Licensing DSLS Webinar
Deployment of Node-Locked Licensing
Why Outsourced Software Licensing Systems Are Better Than Internal Solutions
"How to set Floating License"
Licensing Node
Lumerical Product Licensing - Licensing Basics
Installing Node-Locked Licenses
Implementing Node-Locked Licenses in Cryptolens
Floating Licenses - LicenseSpring
Software Licensing Models - List of license models supported on LicenseSpring
Webinar: OpendTect License Installation
ActivationCloud: WebAPI & Nodelock License
ActivationCloud: Nodelock Counter License