Usage of "supposed to" / spoken English through Tamil
supposed to | English to Tamil
Supposed to usage in Tamil | Should vs Supposed to | should, have to, has to, must and supposed to
日常英会話における「Supposed to」の使い方【#42】
Usage of "Supposed to" # 22 - Learn English with Kaizen through Tamil
[ TAMIL ] - How do we use "supposed to" in a sentence? | What does " supposed to" mean?
めっちゃよく使うフレーズ!"be supposed to~"
【be supposed to】意味だけでなくその感覚を紹介します!日常英会話でめっちゃ使う!
英語のBe supposed to。意味と使い方の説明。
SUPPOSED TO の使用法 / タミル語による英語の話し言葉 レッスン 35
「そうですか?」の使用法& 'あなたは?'タミル語を通して |カイゼン英語
How to use 'SUPPOSED TO' | Basic English Grammar | Learn English Through Tamil
Diana and Roma learn specifically what they’re not supposed to do and Dad explains why
How To Use Supposed To Correctly In A Sentence/Spoken English In Tamil/Example/Situational English
Suppose, Supposing, I suppose, Be supposed to | Learn English Through Tamil
英語で「~のはずだ」を正しく使う - オンラインの無料英語レッスン
Usage of ' supposed to '/grammar lesson / jpr learning grammar / in tamil
to be | is to be | has to be | was to be | had to be | explanation in Tamil
Ignored ? | What to do when someone ignores you in Tamil (தமிழ்)