invalid - 5 adjectives which are synonym to invalid (sentence examples)
valid - 13 adjectives synonym of valid (sentence examples)
全快してもすぐに気絶するの無意味すぎる。 #妖怪ウォッチバスターズ #妖怪ウォッチ #じんめん犬
ORA-00980: synonym translation is no longer valid - Oracle Database 12c Error Messages
invalidate - 16 verbs which are synonym of invalidate (sentence examples)
#roblox エラーコードの数字の意味とは……恐ろしや👻
wrong - 15 adjectives which are synonym to wrong (sentence examples)
false - 14 adjectives which are synonym of false (sentence examples)
#26 [初見実況] 終章 : 大聖堂へ ラスダン進攻!いきなり最強の駒が、、 [英雄伝説閃の軌跡III][PS4:PS5]
How to Pronounce valid with Meaning, Phonetic, Synonyms and Sentence Examples
これはある意味すごい... #shorts #大道芸 #技がかすむくらいの内股 #大阪
【パチンコ】台選びって意味ある?#パチンコ #パチスロ #ギャンブル #スロット #反応集
inoperative - 5 adjectives synonym to inoperative (sentence examples)
void - 12 verbs which are synonym to void (sentence examples)
Diana and Roma learn how to share
Learn to identify SYNONYM of a word
ORA-00995: missing or invalid synonym identifier - Oracle Database 12c Error Messages
How to Improve Your SSAT Verbal Score: Answering Synonym Questions with Unknown Words
Permission isn't a synonym for consent
Expand Your Vocabulary: Choose the Correct Synonym Exercise #shorts